This is the story of another inventor
who died before his ideas were completely understood or accepted by scientists
and society. For more than 30 years Lester Hendershot worked on an over-unity
device that was thought to be tapping into a magnetic force field. Interestingly,
Hendershot seemed to be the only person capable of activating it, but was
"unable to provide a satisfactory scientific explanation" for why his creation
worked. Nevertheless, the fuel-less generator was demonstrated many times
from 1928 to 1960, and its validity was attested to by several witnesses
including Charles Lindbergh (1). A demonstration was even conducted before the U.S. press in which the device passed all
assessment tests (2).
fuel-less generator was demonstrated many times from 1928 to 1960, which
convinced many witnesses, including Charles Lindbergh
Newspaper clippings
indicate its efficacy but according to Bill Beaty of
KeelyNet, Hendershot "ran into political difficulties in promoting his device,
attempted to take his business to Mexico, and finally faded into obscurity."
In 1961, he planned a final attempt to reveal his generator to top
electronic engineering groups down to the precise construction
and operation. Evaluation of the source of power for Lester Hendershot's
device was never determined because he died on April 26th of that year (4).
Fortunately, three years before his death, he allowed Ed Skilling to assist
him in reconstructing his device, running it successfully.
Skilling later wrote a magazine article in which Hendershot's construction
specifications were explained (5).
Around the same time, the inventor involved a man named Arthur C. Aho
in many of his experiments, "operating and evaluating certain
devices which generated electricity in usable form, but with no loss to any
of its parts and without the use of fuel of any type."
This private research went on for 2½ years and provided Aho with many interesting
applications and interpretations.
There were many variations
of the generator that all seemed to work — producing up to
300 watts. Hendershot's creations were made with a basket-weave coil
containing inner cylindrical capacitors, a vibrator circuit, and solenoid
coils separated from a magnet by a soft iron bar between
two transformers. Many pieces of his generator were obtained from telephone
and radio parts of the time. Upon assembling the device, Hendershot would
spend anywhere from ten minutes to several hours connecting
an insulated wire to different terminals until a buzz from the magnet-solenoid
combination and a glow from the light bulb output load
would signal energy production. In order to get a steady buzz and the
brightest light, he would adjust the gap between the solenoid coils and magnet.
This device could power televisions, radios, or small
motors when it worked, but often it did not work at all, which remained inexplicable.
According to Aho,
while other researchers constructed slightly different devices, they "all
had two things in common: [1] they generated electricity
without the use of fuel or material loss to any of its parts, and [2] there
was an operator who used individualized methods to trigger the device into
While working with the inventor,
Aho decided to construct five devices so that he could
see them work. After painstakingly building the first one and having it
tested by Hendershot himself, the success of the generator showed him that
"limits based on studies of exchange of energy and/or
quantum mechanics did not indeed exist." Aho still has the last generator
constructed, but it "is only so much material without the influence of Lester
Hendershot—whatever that may be—and the device does
not operate."
Mark Hendershot, Lester's son, is continuing his father's research. He believes "that once
again the theory and working proof can be presented to a world which may now be ready."(6) For those who are interested, he has the construction plans and research details of his father's device (7).
Also, Tim Thrapp of Ohio and Walt Parsons of Florida have built the
Hendershot device. Thrapp's successfully "produces about
10 watts continuously with no electrical input (self-running)." There is
also reported to be another project being undertaken in Australia (8). According to an advertisement in the Space Energy Journal,
"Barry Hilton believes he has discovered the secret
to the Hendershot Generator." He has published construction details and a
theoretical explanation which is for sale along with a companion video (9). Information about the original Hendershot device can be obtained in detail from The
Hendershot Motor Mystery by Tom Brown. There are also other devices in use that involve some of Hendershot's ideas, such as the Swiss M/L Converter (10).